Strategy Planning Meetings

What are unproductive meetings costing your Company in time – money – energy – frustration – burnout?

Kells Associates are experts at planning sessions and strategy meetings that work; and innovation sessions that stretch group thinking. We can provide you with experienced process consultants trained in creative problem solving who can facilitate these sessions in your organization. In half the time, we lead the meeting process while you focus on the content and action plans. We coach your groups and lead you to new thinking around your Organization’s vision, mission and strategy. And, we facilitate ongoing strategy sessions to ensure execution. We guarantee concrete meeting results!

Contact Us
San Francisco Bay Area:
(415) 234-6013
(617) 306-0265
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“Working with Charlotte has been a very meaningful and productive
experience. The focus on passions and natural inclinations,(in FututeScaping) rather than simply work experiences, caused me to change focus completely. This is the most productive kind of work direction brainstorming imaginable.”

Non-Profit Board Executive