Strategy Planning Meetings

What are unproductive meetings costing your Company in time – money – energy – frustration – burnout?

Kells Associates are experts at planning sessions and strategy meetings that work; and innovation sessions that stretch group thinking. We can provide you with experienced process consultants trained in creative problem solving who can facilitate these sessions in your organization. In half the time, we lead the meeting process while you focus on the content and action plans. We coach your groups and lead you to new thinking around your Organization’s vision, mission and strategy. And, we facilitate ongoing strategy sessions to ensure execution. We guarantee concrete meeting results!

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San Francisco Bay Area:
(415) 234-6013
(617) 306-0265
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“And it was a remarkable session - 4 hours with a follow-up at a time of my choosing - I picked 2 months later. I have never been to therapy or any kind of counseling so part of this was a revelation because it was new to me, but in the course of the 4 hours, she never asked me any of the questions that I expected her to and by the time I left, I had an 18 month calendar for changing my life.” And later, . . .” An additional testimonial is that I'm writing to you from Buenos Aires. We're here for a month and taking a million tango classes and having a great time. I did my part - if only the economy hadn't crashed. You were very, very helpful and I've moved on. Possibly another tidbit would be that I'm in Buenos Aires for a month without my cell phone!”

Former owner of a renowned Boston art gallery