Strategy Planning Meetings

What are unproductive meetings costing your Company in time – money – energy – frustration – burnout?

Kells Associates are experts at planning sessions and strategy meetings that work; and innovation sessions that stretch group thinking. We can provide you with experienced process consultants trained in creative problem solving who can facilitate these sessions in your organization. In half the time, we lead the meeting process while you focus on the content and action plans. We coach your groups and lead you to new thinking around your Organization’s vision, mission and strategy. And, we facilitate ongoing strategy sessions to ensure execution. We guarantee concrete meeting results!

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San Francisco Bay Area:
(415) 234-6013
(617) 306-0265
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I came across my 2009 Paper Room output recently; my notes and photos of flip chart pages.  Incredible material, prescient!  It is more than ironic that my happy and rewarding life today includes a huge amount of the activities and time allocation imagined in the PR exercises in 2009. Your facilitation, indeed, did identify what I wanted and needed for an aligned and satisfying professional and personal like. I never imagined that I could or would be able to deliver against these dreams. I was never aware of actually working on the goals, but it would appear that the work planted and invisible seeds.

I have the life to prove it. Bravo to you, and to me.

Executive Recruiter and Coach